DJ Souv Boa had a premier as DJ at New York, New York. I immediately knew he would be a hit as he played his first tune that rocked the house. When he talked, he had a calm, charming way, and responded quickly when I asked for a tune to be played. Not only that, but he also gave me feedback and said, “I like the song you requested.” Everyone there enjoyed his set, and we left with hopes of hearing him again.
Later, DJ Souv sent me an invitation to his set at his“Pantheon venue”, and as I teleported in, I heard his remarkable spin of music. Everyone was dancing, and a very sweet Lady (Lady Queen), sent me a dance hud. The welcome was awesome, and I felt like I had returned home. Soon, I was dancing around, letting the music move me, and feeling happy. DJ Souv has made this his number one goal, for people attending his events to have fun. And we certainly do!
For this Interview, we met at his beautifully designed Cosmo Club. There, I had the honor of meeting his tiger, Banga, which gives the club a unique flair. I hope you enjoy reading about the multitalented, charming man from Second Life.
Jade: What is the name of where we are standing now?
Souv Boa: This is the Cosmo Club main platform, it has different parts and concepts such as the polyvalent outside ballroom, the game area, the swimming pool and the relaxing area to see some videos or eventually play karaoke. On other platforms in the sky, I have some different installations and decorations for parties and events. I have designed and built an art gallery, a race track with carts and a store with my creations in mesh, all open to the public via the teleport.

Jade: So, you are an artist and a builder, as well as a DJ?
Souv Boa: Yes, I exhibit some of my digital art and photos in my art gallery and I invite friends to exhibit their work as well. I also enjoy building and doing mesh, I have a store. I always like to try and experiment new things.
Jade : I am pleased to find out that you are versatile and that being a DJ is only one of your great talents.
Souv Boa: Talent? I am not sure of that, but it is also one way of expression to me, to interact, to please myself and please others. When I spin my tunes, I hope everyone has a nice time, and that’s what I love, to see that happen.
Jade: You are so modest, but you were a hit at Xtern’s New York New York Venue last night. So that speaks the truth.
Souv Boa: NY NY is a mythical place, a temple of good music with a crowd of beautiful and charming people who love music without being dragged into the extreme. Xtern is also very talented in music with years of experience and also, very good in managing it. In some part, I consider Xtern as a mentor to me. He is always pushing me to be myself and he gave me a sense of power to be able to DJ as I like.
Jade: I wholeheartedly agree with you, Xtern is very talented, and the NY NY club, which is more like a family, is one in a million.

Jade: Getting back to your venue here, I see you had a singer performing, does your club invite singers, as well?
Souv Boa: Sometimes singers or musicians perform at Cosmo Club. Otherwise, it's just the pleasure of owning a fully operational one. I organize a party with my friends once every three months or two months just for fun.. My schedule is often very busy and I am fortunate to have several clubs that call upon me to DJ.
Jade: What genre of music do you spin? What is your favorite kind of music?
Souv Boa: Sometimes I call myself the chameleon DJ, I do not fixate on one style of music because I love all different types and forms of it. My pleasure comes from my ability to adapt my spinning to the needs of people who come to dance. I also try to keep the theme of the club.
I like House music, too, but I don’t use a lot of it in a set, however, I make a cocktail of all genres, from all times and all different parts of the world. I want the listener to be surprised without being bored.
Jade: Let me say, you do that very well! I have never been bored, at all, at any of your sets.
Souv Boa: About Country music, I just discovered it and I love it. I have a large mediatheque of all music, and I listen to all styles from time to time. What I really like to do, is to take time to google about the singers, the groups, and about the history of the music that I might spin. I like to discover what happened and why they wrote this song or this other one.
Jade: I love to research, too. I think this makes a DJ more outstanding, if they can tell me some facts about the music they spin.
Souv Boa: In my explorations, my research and my discoveries, I found the anecdotes that triggered the creation of a song, the events around it, the current events and the inspiring trends. I also enjoy finding musical inspirations from around the world that have established new rhythms and styles in other parts of the world.
Jade: Who inspired you to become a DJ?
Souv Boa: In real life, during my free time as a student, I performed as a DJ for private parties and in some clubs and restaurants. Then, I was always called on to DJ for family and friends when they had their parties and events. I was away from Second Life for a long time, and when I came back, about three years ago, I went to a nice club by the name of “Tango with Notto”. This is where I met a great Lady, Nottoo, she is the owner, and I asked her if I could DJ there. She accepted and in two days, I learned how to be a DJ in SL. I had to test my hardware, my software, to learn how to stream, to rent a stream, and I read all about how to do it. But, I had my background experience, my knowledge and my music, so after two days, I was ready and was so nervous on my first spin in SL.
Jade: I understand, and can imagine how nervous you were, but do you ever get nervous spinning, now?
Souv Boa: To be honest, yes. I was very nervous at NY NY the first time, I didn’t want to disappoint Xtern. However, now that I have been there spinning, I am less nervous but still nervous.
Jade: And you have a star on Xtern’s Boulevard. That is a great achievement!
Souv Boa: People there are lovely and they accepted me, that is always a great feeling. Also, Xtern said to me, “Just have fun and do things as you like them.”, so it was good.
Then, he put my name on the Star, and oh yes, I am very proud of it.
Souv Boa: Did you receive my Greek bath built yesterday at Pantheon? I gave it out as a gift to whoever came to my party set.

(Souv showed me the Greek Bath, and gave me a copy. What a great person to give away such a lovely gift.)
Jade: So this is what you like to build in Second Life?
Souv Boa: Yes, I build like I build a music set, in all styles, mostly from scratch. With this Greek bath temple, you can decorate it, put your furniture and plants around it and make it a relaxing place.
Jade: Do you have a store here, also?
Souv Boa: Yes
Jade: Let’s talk a little about your photography and paintings. I see you have an art gallery, open to the public.
Souv Boa: Yes, please come in. I have three exhibitors here now. Trixee Trotter, Kirle Adamski, and Sisi Biedermann. In the other rooms, surrounding this, I have my art. I like to design and do experimentation in art. They are mainly digital works, but I also use many techniques. I have been fortunate to have actually exhibited in other galleries they invited me.
Exhibit by Kirle Adamski | ![]() |
Exhibit by Sisi Biedermann | ![]() |
Exhibit by Trixee Trotter | ![]() |
Exhibit by Souv Boa | ![]() |
Jade: Oh, I see you use, not only color, but prints in black and white, which can be very powerful.
Souv Boa: Oh yes, Black and White art can be wonderful and it gives another dimension to a painting or a photo.
Jade: Which of your art pieces is your favorite?

Souv Boa: I was on photoshop, playing with this one, when you just came to visit me.
Jade: I love that abstract! Its design is bright and cheerful and makes me feel happy.
(Souv showed me another piece of art, it was a very moving piece and I explained how it made me feel. After patiently listening to me, he gave me his idea for the painting.)

Souv Boa: Let me give you my explanation softly about- this painting I called “because I die everytime”. Second Life certainly is a way of going into your computer to another side, another dimension, and through that you project your feelings, your soul, your imagination, your emotions into the pixels of another world. Here you transform yourself from material to “virtual material”. So, it would be assimilated in a certain sense to when we die, we say we go to the other side. Maybe it's one of the more softer ways I can explain my feelings for painting it. However, the persons who will contemplate this painting, will have their own perception, their own feelings and their own descriptions and explanations.
Jade: Just a lovely work of art, thank you for sharing it in SL.
Souv Boa: Yes, SL is a world with many things to explore, many situations that happen and a place for us.
(From there we went to view some of his builds.)

Jade: This is an office? It’s amazing!
Souv Boa: I liked it so much as my office, I made it into a miniclub, too.
Souv Boa: This is supposed to be a club where there are belly dancing parties.
(From there, we went to a castle. I was in awe of the stained glass windows, they looked real!)
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Souv Boa: This was a team build with Izara Castle, I actually need to finish it on mesh by taking it into Blender. Now, before you go, let me show you my cart racing track.
The racing was so much fun. You click on the square and it rezzes a free race car. I tried to win the race, even passing Souv one time, but in the end, he won. However, I have challenged him to a rematch. (smiles)

All in all it was a wonderful tour, and I am so honored to publish it. Please check out his calendar,
When he is DJing, come by and listen to his style, and visit all the places he has made for the public. You will be pleased and have a wonderful time.
~ See you around the Grid! Jade♥

Picture Credits to: Souv Boa and Jade
11 June 2022