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Gaming Inworld - Yes! It's fun!

Off we go.....

Landing at Grub Beach, I became inquisitive what would be up up the hill. I saw a water tower, and what looked like barns, so I moved onward to my adventure.

The day before, I noticed a picnic table, on top of the hill, and on my return trip decided to find out where that lead. All at once a message came up on my screen, saying that I been in close contact with a glytch, and if I wanted to play the game of "Tyrah and the curse of Magical Glytches, I should click the Landmark Hayshire (144,126,23) which was a portal. (Notice there is a glytch, or something behind me.)

I clicked the Landmark, after all, this was my adventure day.

To my surprise, I landed in a quaint area with cottages.

After listening to the quick tutorial, I decided, why not?, and went in to start my glytch hunt.

(A promise of prizes made it easier to decide.)

This hunt in SL is very easy to understand. I touched the box, and received my hud.

So, I'll be hunting Gems, and when I get some, I can exchange them for prizes.

Let's go!

Here I am with my first jar, to scoop up the glytches. I was promised after I used this, I would receive gems and perhaps get a better holder for the glytches that were out there.

After all, scooping them in a jar is a little primitive.

Along the way, I saw other people in the hunt, and I dined on fruit and tasty drinks.

That's not to say, I didn't have a few, ok, a LOT of set backs.

I'm not publishing them's embarrassing.

Ok, here's one of my most embarrassing moments, well, one I will share.

Yes, the little glytches are notorious for putting you in cages, making you fly high, and setting you on fire. But, after it's all done, it's sort of an illusion, and you return safe and sound.

I did catch enough glytches, which gave me gems, and I got to trade them for a better container...a net. (ok, but it really does beat a lighted jar)

We'll see what happens, when I go back - in a fire resistant suit.

See you all around the grid. ~ Jade ♥

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