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Rock Your Rack 2022 - Models Giving Back

I hope you'll join me on my journey for blogging about the Rock Your Rack Events this year.

Rock Your Rack is the annual fundraiser started in October of 2012 by Jamee Sandalwood, and I say thank you, Jamee!

We've all had people taken from us, or suffering from Cancer. I have had both parents taken from me, and my Mom had Breast Cancer. I'm asking for all my friends to attend at least one event, and make a difference by giving from your heart, whatever you can. No donation is too small, and your time is the most precious to us all!

The Designer for RYR 2022 are working to make this the best! I hope you'll find many great designers that you haven't seen before, and let them know their time and efforts are worth it!

(And - there will be limited editions at this event!)

So...let's go check out some of the designers.....

Emerald Couture

The First Designer I visited today was Emerald Couture and I'm wearing one of the dresses from that Designer, Ember Dress in Pink. Next.....

Classy N Sassy

The next designer I visited was Classy N Sassy and guess what men - There's a Men's side there!

Just look!

Next, let's check out some poses.....

Poses With Attitude

Finally, I visited one of my favorite things - Poses! Here is Poses With Attitude

I had so much fun there. :)

Just look at this big box of poses you can get with a group join! There are Male and Female poses in the store, too.

Now's the time to start thinking about Christmas, too. I found some cute ideas on the 2nd floor.

Now while I rest and relax from my days journey around Second Life, I hope you'll visit my blog pages, as I tour more Designer's landmarks, but remember, they will all be at one location at

Rock Your Rack.

It all Starts on October 1, 2022, so please mark your calendars, and come back to my blog as I show you the awesome things that you can purchase.

Together we got this! Hugs and See you around the grid ~ Jade ♥

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Unknown member
Sep 10, 2022

Thank you, Jade, for including my little pose shop in your blog. I'm so, so, so happy you had fun with it!


Unknown member
Sep 07, 2022

Thank you so much Jade you did a beautiful job. Thank you for including Classy N Sassy (CNS) in your blog much appreciated. Ava Jhamin COO Classy N Sassy

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