Alli&Ali has the best Hunt ever - but it ends March 19th!
All 50 items are gifts for the trivia treasure hunt, 21st Feb.- 19th March, inside and outside the Wonderland Beach main store, also in the event area:
Some are for men, some rather for women. Often the name already suggests for who it is. Otherwise, try out :-)
Getting ready for St. Patrick's Day with Hair by A&A - Agnesa
Do you like short hair? A&A Judy has all the fun colors. Did I mention this is a Hunt item?
The hunt will end on March 19th!
Suki Hair for St. Patrick's day? Yes! The bow on top has a color change, too.
You find back to our store with this landmark:
Our Marketplace store is here:
Now - There are 50 different boxes for you to find, so what ya doing reading - GO! :)
See you around the Grid! ~ Jade ♥