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Temptation Falls, JimmyT & Tribute to Norm Reynolds


Updated: Mar 18, 2022

I love the fall, don't you? It gets cooler, and a lot of things start happening around the grid getting ready for Halloween.

This is the stage area. (JimmyT will be there on Friday!)

Below you'll see Temptation Falls space. They offer music most nights starting at 4 pm slt. Check out their line up on Facebook, and talk with browneyes or Gib.

And here is the preview of my tribute to Norm Reynolds, HAMC-TX President, and co-owner of HAMC-TX Nomads MC. After all, he was the light of my life, and a friend to everyone. There will be another tribute, a more formal one, later on.

The tribute to Norm will be held, as an invitational event, only. Please contact me inworld, if you knew Norm and would like to be there. And if you are inworld, and want to talk - message me, it would be good to talk about all the good times.

I'll keep the light and coffee on for ya.

~Midnight Rider ♥



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