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North Falls - Still the Cadillac of Tracks

Updated: Oct 25, 2021

I rezzed one of Norm's best bikes, and started up the North Falls track. Did you know they are going to have a big celebration there on September 7th? Yes, they are! Go over and check out the spinning billboard.

Your first decision will be to stay on one track or go to the Upper Track, and yes, I took the challenge.

FYI - Not many people know that the trestles that are at North Falls is part of Sparky's Motorworld Track. Norm gave the trestle to Strider, and I love to ride over it and hear that sound...brings back memories of the good old days. (Norm didn't give him Sparky's Vagina Track though...anyone out there remember that?)

At North Falls, the jumps almost got me, I suggest you ride this part of the track in gear 3 or more.

Next, the decision to go on, or continue back to the lower track. I turned around, after taking this picture, and decided to go higher.

Some friends had told me to meet them at Dunes Grill, so, I parked my bike and headed in for some food and drink.

I always like to share where I've been with my family, so, after eating, I got on my bike, and found a mailbox. I sent a few postcards off, and then heard my bike starting up.

I turned around, and one of those rascals that I ate with was taking my bike for a "test drive". I turned just in time to get the name of his cut. Time to make a phone call....

He sped off....yelling "I'll bring it back in a minute." Yeah, right.

Looking around, I discovered that North Falls has something better than a phone, I found another ride. This taxi will help me get home. So, if you see someone in bandages, you'll know I found my bike....

Till next time, See Ya Around the Grid ~ The Midnight Rider

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