I teleported into the Wyld & Wicked sim and heard gun shots. Keeping my head down, I rezzed out one of the Slacker Motor's Bikes. Slowing moving through the dead bodies, I made my way around the track.

One of the unique designs of the track is the way they have the store fronts set up. I enjoyed looking at all the creators as I rode around.

And let me say, I was holding some tight buns as I came up on this fella. I was hoping he'd stay asleep as I made my way around him. I don't know if he did or not, but he didn't come after me.

Heading up the track, I heard moaning and groaning....yikes! Zombies!

Moving on up, as quietly as I possibly could on a bike, I came to a choice of left or right. Now, should I go for the paintball? or Check out the Club?

Since I didn't have anyone to shoot, because I was riding by myself, I decided to head for the Club. It was a lovely ride, so I stopped by the local convenience store and picked up something to drink.

Moving along, I passed a Time Track, and just cruised through it, and found the Club! I hope to come back soon when it's rockin'.

I plan to bring some friends and go to the paint ball part of the track, soon. I hope to meet you there, too.
See You Around The Grid. ~ Midnight Rider ♥